Meet The Team
We are a social-impact R&D company from Brownsburg Indiana with over 30 years of combined experience in science and technology and multiple years of research on the frontier topic of laser-matter interaction and material processing in green energy production.
Dr. Vladlen Shvedov
Chief Research & Development Officer and Co- Founder
PhD Laser Physics
Doctor of Science
Canberra, CT, Australia
Dr. Shvedov dedicated his life to researching the most innovative concepts in physics and brings over 23+ years of experience in laser physics and material processing to our company. Vladlen has written more than 150 scientific works in top-ranking journals, including Nature magazine.
Tatyana Whited
Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder
BS Business Administration, Informatics
AA Project Management, Business Analysis
Brownsburg, Indiana, USA
Tatyana Whited earned her degree from Indiana University with honors, with the distinction of the highest degree. Her philanthropic initiatives focus on advocating for women in STEAM disciplines. Tatyana brings over 11+ years of experience to the team.
Our Manifesto:
We are scientists and business professionals from across the globe working on solving global problems and writing new chapters in the world of green energy.
We want to protect people and the environment.
We believe in fueling global economies without harm to the environment.
That is why we innovate for the future, innovate to turn energy green, keep people safe, and give everyone a chance to breathe clean air.
We strive for putting sustainability ahead of short-term gain and dream about living in a world where green energy is not a luxury.
We embrace all the amazing things that Mother Earth has to offer.
We want nothing more than to give future generations a chance to experience the natural wonders we grew to love.